Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thor and Iron Man Wallpaper by Nebezial

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Thor Corps Wallpaper

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Thor Wallpaper

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PSP Thor Wallpaper

PSP Thor Wallpapers

Thor Bio

Marvel Universe

Real Name
Thor Odinson

Donald Blake, Sigurd Jarlson, Jake Olsen, Donar the Mighty

No dual identity

King of Asgard, formerly EMS technician, physician, construction worker


Place of Birth

Known Relatives
Odin (father), Gaea (mother), Frigga (step-mother), Loki (step-brother), Vidar (half-brother), Buri (paternal great-grandfather), Bolthorn (maternal great grandfather), Bor (grandfather), Bestla (grandmother), Vili (uncle), Ve (uncle), Sigyn (former sister-in-law), Hela (alleged niece), Jormungand (alleged nephew), Fernis Wolf (alleged nephew)

Group Affiliation
Formerly Avengers, Thor Corps, formerly duped into working with the Nazi Party

MD (as Blake)


640 lbs



As the son of Odin and Gaea, Thor's strength, endurance and resistance to injury are greater than the vast majority of his superhuman race. He is extremely long-lived (though not completely immune to aging), immune to conventional disease, and highly resistant to injury. His flesh and bones are several times denser than a human's.

As Lord of Asgard, Thor possesses the Odinforce, which enables him to tap into the near-infinite resources of cosmic and mystical, enhancing all of his abilities. With the vast magical power of the Odinforce, Thor was able to even dent Captain America’s shield with Mjolnir.

Thor is trained in the arts of war, being a superbly skilled warrior, highly proficient in hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, and hammer throwing.

Thor wields Mjolnir, a hammer forged from uru metal. Mjolnir is virtually unbreakable, and allows Thor to command the powers of the storm, causing rain, thunder and lightning. Thor can channel the storm’s fury into devastating blasts of energy that can destroy even secondary Adamantium. He can also channel his godly energies through Mjolnir into blasts so powerful that they can slay even immortals. Mjolnir can absorb other energies into itself, which Thor can then release.

Mjolnir obeys Thor’s commands as though it were alive, and if Thor’s will is strong enough, the hammer can pass through nearly any barrier to reach him should he so desire. Using this command over Mjolnir’s flight path, Thor is able to use the hammer to fly, achieving escape velocities. Mjolnir can also transform Thor into his civilian guises. When Thor is a civilian, the hammer most often becomes an old wooden cane. While employing a mortal guise, Thor will transform back into his mortal form should he be separated from Mjolnir for more than 60 seconds.

By spinning Mjolnir in a circle, Thor can open portals to other dimensions. Formerly, it also allowed him to travel in time, but Immortus removed this power. Enchantments surrounding Mjolnir prevent it from being wielded by anyone except those who have been found worthy. Thus far, this includes Thor, Odin, Tiwaz, Red Norvell, Beta Ray Bill, and Captain America. To anyone else, Mjolnir cannot be lifted from the ground nor wrested from Thor’s grip.

Thor also possesses the Belt of Strength that doubles his strength, but weakens him after its use; a pair of iron gauntlets to protect him when unleashing Mjolnir's most powerful energies; and a chariot drawn by two goats, Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder.

First Appearance
Journey into Mystery #83 (1962)

Journey into Mystery #83 (1962), Thor #159 (1968), Thor Annual #11 (1983)

Significant Issues
As Blake, found Mjolnir in Norway, became Thor (Journey into Mystery #83, 1962); founded the Avengers (Avengers #1, 1963); learned origin of Donald Blake identity (Thor #159, 1968), origin an past adventures on Earth recounted (Thor Annual #11, 1983); adopted Sigurd Jarlson identity (Thor #341, 1984); merged with Eric Masterson (Thor #408, 1989); exiled for killing Loki (Thor #432, 1991); retrieved from exile by Eric Masterson (Thor #457, 1993); became insane, overcame with aid of Adam Warlock and Dr. Strange (Thor #460-471, 1993-1994); adopted form of Jake Olson (Thor #2, 2001); witnessed death of Odin, became Lord of Asgard (Thor #41-43, 2002) had falling out with Avengers (Avengers #63, 2003); Asgard bombed (Thor #68, 2003); conquered Earth (Thor #68, 2003); undid conquest of Earth (Thor #79, 2004); perished in battling Those Who Sit Above In Shadow (Thor #85, 2004)

Thor (Dargo Ktor)

In the year 2587, Earth will not be as it is today. The city of New York will lie in ruins, and a new power will rise in place of the old. The Corporation is now the ruler of the land and enslaver of the people. There are no costumed heroes to defend the helpless. There are only stories of those who used to exist, and the hero who will be deemed the greatest hero of them all is the Thunder god, Thor. A rebel cult that worships the son of Odin has found Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor, and they have been searching for one worthy enough to lift it and claim the power of Thor so that they may be freed of the Corporation’s tyranny.

Dargo Ktor was a part of that cult, but his faith was not as strong as the others. He expected those who attempted to lift Mjolnir to fail, and he believed the stories of Thor to be fairy tales. The Chairman of the Corporation unknowingly hired Loki, God of mischief, to unearth and annihilate the rebels, and Loki was happy to do so. Loki, along with Tyrus, leader of the Rock Trolls, discovered the cult’s secret meeting place and set their horde loose on the unsuspecting group, killing all in their path. Dargo instinctively reached for a weapon to defend his people when his hands found the handle of Mjolnir. No sooner than he grabbed it, the power of Thor flooded into his body, and he was transformed into the Thunder god. Thor easily pushed back the invaders, but Dargo was confused by his newfound power and had to clear his head. With the people’s faith stronger than ever, they decided to protest against the Corporation feeling that Thor would protect them. Dargo, unsure of his new role, decided that he would not let his people stand alone against the forces of evil. Arriving as the protesters were attacked by Corp soldiers and Loki’s forces, Dargo did all he could to protect the cultists. Tyrus, having faced the true Thor, knew Dargo was an imposter, and his suspicions were confirmed as Mjolnir refused to obey its new master. Fraud or not, Dargo defeated Tyrus just as Loki killed the Corp’s Chairman and destroyed their facilities. With the threat of the Corporation gone forever, Dargo used Mjolnir to open a portal and threw the hammer into it feeling that it would find its rightful owner. Dargo and Salla looked to the future, and they hoped that those who would go on to form a new tomorrow would prove themselves worthy.

In the year 2591, Dargo has somehow gained possession of Mjolnir again and has resumed his responsibilities as Thor. He was sought out by Zarrko, the Tomorrow Man and tricked into traveling to the past in order to battle Eric Masterson, the Thor of the present. Zarrko tricked Dargo by telling him that Masterson would somehow be responsible for the execution of Dargo’s timeline, and therefore, the death of his wife Salla. Dargo attacked Masterson, already in battle with the cosmic powerhouse Stellaris, and was surprised that they were so evenly matched. Zarrko revealed that his plan was to siphon off the energy of the two Thor’s enchanted hammers in order to power his Radical Time Stabilizer, so he would become the undisputed master of time. The fighting between the Thor’s continued which alerted Beta Ray Bill to the violence, and he journey to Earth to stop them. He told them that they are “Hammer Brothers” since they have both proven themselves to be worthy enough to wield Mjolnir, and they should band together to stop their mutual enemy. Reluctantly, Masterson joined Dargo and Bill and pursued Zarrko back to his ship. Once inside, the members of the newly formed Thor Corps were put to the test by Zarrko when he pulled various enemies of the Thunder god out of the time stream to stop them. Despite all of his tricks, Zarrko caused his own downfall when he pulled Loki out of the time stream and attempted to command him as one of his other servants. Zarrko’s ship, along with his Radical Time Stabilizer, was about to explode after Loki destroyed the controls, but Beta Ray Bill managed to send Dargo, Masterson and himself back to each perspective timeline they originated from before that happened.

In the year 2593, Dargo will eventually be forced into reuniting with Beta Ray Bill and Eric Masterson, now known as Thunderstrike, by his archenemy, Demonstaff. Together, the Thor Corps will have a time traveling, dimension hopping adventure to ensure the survival of Dargo’s wife, Salla, and that of the entire universe as well. It can be assumed that Dargo, having returned to his timeline, still fights for the people using the power of Thor.
1152X864, and sort of a dark theme; this is actually a Japanese MANGA Marvel Mangaverse of the THOR of that era and creation. Marvel Mangaverse!

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Thor the Utilmates Wallpaper

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Thor Wallpaper

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Daniel Craig turns down role for Thor the Movie

So the interesting news from comic book land is that Daniel Craig, the latest James Bond, was actually offered the role of Thor by Marvel Studios, but has turned it down. As we know by now, Shakespearean guy Kenneth Branagh, in one of those WTF moments, has been hired to direct the live-action movie of the Thunder God. I suspect hiring Branagh was a calculated move by Marvel, much like hiring a critically acclaim director like Jon Favreau for “Iron Man”. But really, Kenneth Friggin Branagh? Seriously, Marvel? Anyways, here’s that bit of news about Craig turning down Thor.


IESB asked if Craig was interested in doing something a little different character-wise, like Thor?

Craig said no, he turned it down and laughed about it.

Sanchez continued, “seriously, I heard the folks over at Marvel had you on a short list to be Thor.”

Craig said yes they [Marvel] did approach him but he turned it down. He added jokingly, it would have been too much of a power trip, both Bond and Thor, and running around with long hair and a hammer.

It’s probably for the best. Craig is an excellent actor, and can brood with the best of them, not to mention the accent would work on the character. But let’s face it, he’s just not all that physically imposing of a figure. But who is? We’re talking about a God here, after all. With a big friggin hammer, to boot.

Below: It’s Hammer time.

Thor the Movie Update

Former Marvel head Avi Arad has confirmed that a Thor Movie is in the works.

The Mighty Thor is a Marvel Comics superhero based on the thunder god of Norse mythology. The character was created by comic book legends Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Larry Lieber.

In the comic book series, Thor is on a mission from his father Odin to be a superhero on Earth while hiding under the secret identity of Dr. Donald Blake. Thor would transform by tapping his walking stick on the ground.

While it made for good comics in the 70's and 80's, I think Thor is just one of those comic book characters that won't translate well in a live action movie. It seems to me that most of the good superhero characters have already been tapped, and now they're digging into the middle of the bucket. And the middle of the bucket isn't good film material.

Thor made his first appearance in August of 1962 in the comic book Journey into Mystery #83.